Apode Tutorial

This tutorial shows the current functionalities of the Apode package. Apode contains various methods to calculate measures and generate graphs on the following topics:

  • Poverty

  • Inequality

  • Welfare

  • Polarization

  • Concentration

Getting Started

ApodeData class

The objects are created as:

ad = ApodeData(DataFrame,income_column)

Where income_column is the name of the column of interest for the analysis in the dataframe.

Methods that calculate indicators:


Métodos that generate graphs:


For an introduction to the Python language see Beginner Guide.

Data Creation and Description

  • Data can be generated manually or by means of a simulation. They are contained in a DataFrame object.

  • Other categoric variables that allow for the indicators to be applied by groups (groupby) might be available.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from apode import ApodeData
from apode import datasets

Manual data loading

An object can be generated from a DataFrame or from a valid argument in the DataFrame method.

x = [23, 10, 12, 21, 4, 8, 19, 15, 11, 9]
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'x':x})
ad1 = ApodeData(df1, income_column="x")
0 23
1 10
2 12
3 21
4 4
5 8
6 19
7 15
8 11
9 9
ApodeData(income_column='x') - 10 rows x 1 columns

Data simulation

The module datasets contains some distribution examples commonly used to model the income distribution. For example:

# Generate data
n = 1000 # observations
seed = 12345
ad2 = datasets.make_weibull(seed=seed,size=n)
count 1000.000000
mean 45.408376
std 30.207372
min 0.112876
25% 22.363891
50% 39.404779
75% 62.690946
max 190.596705
# Plotting the distribution

Other distributions are: uniform, lognormal, exponential, pareto, chisquare and gamma. For help type:

Help on function make_weibull in module apode.datasets:

make_weibull(seed=None, size=100, a=1.5, c=50, nbin=None)
    Weibull Distribution.

    seed: int, optional(default=None)

    size: int, optional(default=100)

    a: float, optional(default=1.5)

    c: float, optional(default=50)

    nbin: int, optional(default=None)

    out: float array
        Array of random numbers.


The following poverty measures are implemented:

  • headcount: Headcount Index

  • gap: Poverty gap Index

  • severity: Poverty Severity Index

  • fgt: Foster–Greer–Thorbecke Indices

  • sen: Sen Index

  • sst: Sen-Shorrocks-Thon Index

  • watts: Watts Index

  • cuh: Clark, Ulph and Hemming Indices

  • takayama: Takayama Index

  • kakwani: Kakwani Indices

  • thon: Thon Index

  • bd: Blackorby and Donaldson Indices

  • hagenaars: Hagenaars Index

  • chakravarty: Chakravarty Indices

Also the TIP curve, which allows for a graphic comparison of poverty amongst different distributions.

Numerical measures

All the methods require the poverty line (pline) as argument for get a absolute measure of poverty.

pline = 50 # Poverty line
p = ad2.poverty('headcount',pline=pline)

If the argument is omitted 0.5*median is used. Other options for a relative measure of poverty are:

# pline = factor*stat  [stat: mean, median, quantile_q]
p1 = ad2.poverty('headcount')  # pline= 0.5*median(y)
p2 = ad2.poverty('headcount', pline='median', factor=0.5)
p3 = ad2.poverty('headcount', pline='quantile', q=0.5, factor=0.5)
p4 = ad2.poverty('headcount', pline='mean', factor=0.5)
p1, p2, p3, p4
(0.214, 0.214, 0.214, 0.256)

Some methods require an additional parameter, alpha. In some cases, a default value is set for it. The summary function shows the result of various methods:

df_p = poverty_summary(ad2)
method measure
0 headcount 0.214000
1 gap 0.088038
2 severity 0.052488
3 fgt(1.5) 0.066208
4 sen 0.134042
5 sst 0.164471
6 watts 0.155405
7 cuh(0) 0.917773
8 cuh(0.5) 0.112144
9 takayama 0.083811
10 kakwani 0.139643
11 thon 0.164395
12 bd(1.0) 0.110478
13 bd(2.0) 0.158095
14 hagenaars 0.052136
15 chakravarty(0.5) 0.056072

Graph measures

# TIP curve

Exercise: Comparison of poverty measures

In this exercise some properties of three poverty measures are compared: headscount, poverty gap and severity index (they are part of the FGT class). The exercise compares three distributions:

x1 = np.array([5,20,35,60])
x2 = x1 +  np.array([10, 10, 10, 0])
x3 = x2 +  np.array([10,0,-10, 0])
dfe = pd.DataFrame({'x1':x1,'x2':x2,'x3':x3})
x1 x2 x3
0 5 15 25
1 20 30 30
2 35 45 35
3 60 60 60
pline = 50
ade1 = ApodeData(dfe,income_column='x1')
ade2 = ApodeData(dfe,income_column='x2')
ade3 = ApodeData(dfe,income_column='x3')

# Headcount
ade1.poverty('headcount',pline=pline), ade2.poverty('headcount',pline=pline), ade3.poverty('headcount',pline=pline)
(0.75, 0.75, 0.75)

The greatest virtues of the headcount index are that it is simple to construct and easy to understand. However, the measure does not take the intensity of poverty into account (the three indices are equal).

# Poverty Gap
ade1.poverty('gap',pline=pline), ade2.poverty('gap',pline=pline), ade3.poverty('gap',pline=pline)
(0.45, 0.30000000000000004, 0.3)

The poverty gap index gives an idea of the cost to eliminate poverty (in relation to the poverty line). But the previous indices are unsatisfactory because they violate the transfer principle which states that transfers from a richer person to a poorer person should improve the welfare measure (x2 versus x3). This property is captured by the severity index.

# Severity
ade1.poverty('severity',pline=pline), ade2.poverty('severity',pline=pline), ade3.poverty('severity',pline=pline)
(0.315, 0.16499999999999998, 0.125)

TIP curves are cumulative poverty gap curves used for representing the three different aspects of poverty: incidence, intensity and inequality (severity). Non-intersection of TIP curves is recognized as a criterion to compare income distributions in terms of poverty.

ax = ade1.plot.tip(pline=pline)
ade2.plot.tip(ax=ax, pline=pline)
ade3.plot.tip(ax=ax, pline=pline)

Exercise: Contribution of each subgroup to aggregate poverty

Another convenient feature of the FGT class of poverty measures is that they can be disaggregated for population subgroups and the contribution of each subgroup to aggregate poverty can be calculated. For instance:

x = [23, 10, 12, 21, 4, 8, 19, 15, 5, 7]
y = [10,10,20,10,10,20,20,20,10,10]
region = ['urban','urban','rural','urban','urban','rural','rural','rural','urban','urban']
dfa = pd.DataFrame({'x':x,'region':region})
ada1 = ApodeData(dfa,income_column='x')
x region
0 23 urban
1 10 urban
2 12 rural
3 21 urban
4 4 urban
5 8 rural
6 19 rural
7 15 rural
8 5 urban
9 7 urban
ApodeData(income_column='x') - 10 rows x 2 columns
# group calculation according to variable "y"
pline = 11
pg = poverty_groupby(ada1,'headcount',group_column='region', pline=pline)
x_measure x_weight
rural 0.250000 4
urban 0.666667 6
# simple calculation
ps = ada1.poverty('headcount',pline=pline)
# If the indicator is decomposable, the same result is attained:
pg_p = sum(pg['x_measure']*pg['x_weight']/sum(pg['x_weight']))


The following inequality measures are implemented:

  • gini: Gini Index

  • entropy: Generalized Entropy Index

  • atkinson: Atkinson Index

  • rrange: Relative Range

  • rad: Relative average deviation

  • cv: Coefficient of variation

  • sdlog: Standard deviation of log

  • merhan: Merhan index

  • piesch: Piesch Index

  • bonferroni: Bonferroni Indices

  • kolm: Kolm Index

Also the Lorenz and Pen curves, which allows for a graphic comparison of inequality among different distributions.

Numerical measures

# Evaluate an inequality method
q = ad2.inequality('gini')

The summary function shows the result of various methods:

df_ineq = inequality_summary(ad2)
method measure
0 rrange 4.194905
1 rad 0.264575
2 cv 0.664905
3 sdlog 0.916263
4 gini 0.365218
5 merhan 0.512500
6 piesch 0.288587
7 bonferroni 0.510418
8 kolm(0.5) 36.566749
9 ratio(0.05) 0.032061
10 ratio(0.2) 0.118795
11 entropy(0) 0.281897
12 entropy(1) 0.217586
13 entropy(2) 0.221049
14 atkinson(0.5) 0.114579
15 atkinson(1.0) 0.245649
16 atkinson(2.0) 0.631276

Graph measures

The relative, generalized and absolute Lorenz Curves are implemented. Alse de Pen Parade curve.

# Lorenz Curves
# Generalized Lorenz Curve
# Absolute Lorenz Curve
# Pen's Parade

Exercise: Redistributive Effect of Fiscal Policy

Income pre and post fiscal policy:

# Income pre fiscal policy:
y_pre = np.array([20, 30, 40, 60, 100])

# Fiscal policy
tax = 0.2*np.maximum(y_pre-35,0)  # tax formula
revenue = np.sum(tax)             # total revenue
transfers = revenue/len(y_pre)    # per capita transfers

# Income post fiscal policy:
y_post = y_pre - tax + transfers
# ApodeData
df_pre = pd.DataFrame({'y1':y_pre})
ad_pre = ApodeData(df_pre,income_column='y1')

df_post = pd.DataFrame({'y2':y_post})
ad_post = ApodeData(df_post,income_column='y2')
0 23.8
1 33.8
2 42.8
3 58.8
4 90.8
ApodeData(income_column='y2') - 5 rows x 1 columns
# Gini
ad_pre.inequality.gini(), ad_post.inequality.gini()  # decrease inequality
(0.30399999999999994, 0.25440000000000024)
# Lorenz Curves
ax = ad_pre.plot.lorenz()


The following welfare measures are implemented:

  • utilitarian: Utilitarian utility function

  • rawlsian: Rawlsian utility function

  • isoelastic: Isoelastic utility function

  • sen: Sen utility function

  • theill: Theill utility function

  • theilt: Theilt utility function

# Evaluate a welfare method
w = ad2.welfare('sen')

The summary function shows the result of various methods:

df_wlf = welfare_summary(ad2)
method measure
0 utilitarian 45.408376
1 rawlsian 0.112876
2 sen 28.824398
3 theill 34.253866
4 theilt 36.529160
5 isoelastic(0) 45.408376
6 isoelastic(1) 3.533799
7 isoelastic(2) -0.059726
8 isoelastic(inf) 0.112876


The following welfare measures are implemented:

  • ray: Esteban and Ray index

  • wolfson: Wolfson index

# Evaluate a polarization method
p = ad2.polarization('ray')

The summary function shows the result of various methods:

df_pz = polarization_summary(ad2)
method measure
0 ray 0.033168
1 wolfson 0.357081


The following concentration measures are implemented:

  • herfindahl: Herfindahl-Hirschman Index

  • rosenbluth: Rosenbluth Index

  • concentration_ratio: Concentration Ratio Index

# Evaluate a concentration method
c = ad2.concentration('herfindahl')

The summary function shows the result of various methods:

df_conc = concentration_summary(ad2)
method measure
0 herfindahl 0.000443
1 herfindahl(norm) 0.000443
2 rosenbluth 0.001575
3 concentration_ratio(1) 0.004197
4 concentration_ratio(3) 0.010900


Schröder, C. (2011). Cowell, F.: Measuring Inequality. London School of Economics Perspectives in Economic Analysis.

Adler, M. D., & Fleurbaey, M. (Eds.). (2016). The Oxford handbook of well-being and public policy. Oxford University Press.

Haughton, J., & Khandker, S. R. (2009). Handbook on poverty+ inequality. World Bank Publications.

Gasparini, L., Cicowiez, M., & Sosa Escudero, W. (2012). Pobreza y desigualdad en América Latina. Temas Grupo Editorial.

Araar, A., & Duclos, J. Y. (2007). DASP: Distributive analysis stata package. PEP, World Bank, UNDP and Université Laval.


# Evaluating a list of poverty methods
def poverty_summary(ad, pline=None, factor=1.0, q=None):
    import apode
    #y = ad[ad.income_column].values # ver falla
    y = ad.x.values
    pline = apode.poverty._get_pline(y, pline, factor, q)

    pov_list = [["headcount", None],
             ["gap", None],
    p = []
    pl = []
    for elem in pov_list:
        if elem[1]==None:
            pl.append(elem[0] + '(' + str(elem[1]) +')')
    df_p = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(pl),pd.DataFrame(p)],axis=1)
    df_p.columns = ['method','measure']
    return df_p

# Evaluate a list of inequality methods
def inequality_summary(ad):
    ineq_list = [["rrange", None],
             ["rad", None],
    p = []
    pl = []
    for elem in ineq_list:
        if elem[1]==None:
            pl.append(elem[0] + '(' + str(elem[1]) +')')
    df_ineq = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(pl),pd.DataFrame(p)],axis=1)
    df_ineq.columns = ['method','measure']
    return df_ineq

# Evaluate a list of welfare methods
def welfare_summary(ad):
    wlf_list = [["utilitarian", None],
             ["rawlsian", None],
    p = []
    pl = []
    for elem in wlf_list:
        if elem[1]==None:
            pl.append(elem[0] + '(' + str(elem[1]) +')')

    df_wlf = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(pl),pd.DataFrame(p)],axis=1)
    df_wlf.columns = ['method','measure']
    return df_wlf

# Evaluate a list of polarization methods
def polarization_summary(ad):
    pol_list = [["ray", None],
             ["wolfson", None]]
    p = []
    pl = []
    for elem in pol_list:
        if elem[1]==None:
            pl.append(elem[0] + '(' + str(elem[1]) +')')
    df_pz = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(pl),pd.DataFrame(p)],axis=1)
    df_pz.columns = ['method','measure']
    return df_pz

# Evaluate a list of concentration methods
def concentration_summary(ad):
    conc_list = [["herfindahl", None],
             ["herfindahl", True],
    p = []
    pl = []
    for elem in conc_list:
        if elem[1]==None:
            if elem[0]=="herfindahl":
                p.append(ad2.concentration(elem[0],normalized=elem[1]))  # check keyword
                pl.append(elem[0] + '(norm)')
            elif elem[0]=="concentration_ratio":
                p.append(ad2.concentration(elem[0],k=elem[1]))  # check keyword
                pl.append(elem[0] + '(' + str(elem[1]) +')')
                pl.append(elem[0] + '(' + str(elem[1]) +')')
    df_conc = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(pl),pd.DataFrame(p)],axis=1)
    df_conc.columns = ['method','measure']
    return df_conc

# receives a dataframe and applies a measure according to the column "varg"
def poverty_groupby(ad,method,group_column,**kwargs):
    return measure_groupby(ad,method,group_column,measure='poverty',**kwargs)

def measure_groupby(ad,method,group_column,measure,**kwargs):
    a = []; b = []; c = []
    for name, group in ad.groupby(group_column):
        adi = ApodeData(group,income_column=ad.income_column)
        if measure=='poverty':
            p = adi.poverty(method,**kwargs)
        elif measure=='inequality':
            p = adi.inequality(method,**kwargs)
        elif measure=='concentration':
            p = adi.concentration(method,**kwargs)
        elif measure=='polarization':
            p = adi.polarization(method,**kwargs)
        elif measure=='welfare':
            p = adi.welfare(method,**kwargs)
    xname = ad.income_column + "_measure"
    wname = ad.income_column + "_weight"
    return pd.DataFrame({xname: b, wname: c}, index=pd.Index(a))