Source code for apode.polarization

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of the
#   Apode Project (
# Copyright (c) 2020, Néstor Grión and Sofía Sappia
# License: MIT
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"""Polarization measures for Apode."""

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import attr

import numpy as np

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[docs]@attr.s(frozen=True) class PolarizationMeasures: """Polarization Measures. The following welfare measures are implemented: - ray : Esteban and Ray index - wolfson : Wolfson index Parameters ---------- method : String Polarization measure. """ idf = attr.ib() def __call__(self, method=None, **kwargs): """Return the ApodeData object.""" method = "ray" if method is None else method method_func = getattr(self, method) return method_func(**kwargs) # generalizar parametro
[docs] def ray(self): """Esteban and Ray index of polarization. Esteban and Ray index of polarization. [16]_ Return ------ out: float Polarization measure. References ---------- .. [16] Esteban, J.M. y D. Ray (1994), “On the Measurement of Polarization”, Econometrica, vol. 62, N. 4, julio, pp. 819-851. """ y =[self.idf.income_column].values pij = 1 / len(y) alpha = 1 # (0,1.6] p_er = 0 for yi in y: for yj in y: p_er += np.power(pij, 1 + alpha) * pij * abs(yi - yj) return p_er
[docs] def wolfson(self): """Wolfson index of bipolarization. Wolfson index of bipolarization (normalized). [17]_ Return ------ out: float Polarization measure. References ---------- .. [17] Wolfson, Michael C. 1994. “When Inequalities Diverge.” The American Economic Review 84 (2): 353–58. """ ys = np.sort([self.idf.income_column].values) ysa = np.cumsum(ys) / np.sum(ys) n = len(ys) # if (n % 2) == 0: # i = int(n / 2) # L = (ysa[i - 1] + ysa[i]) / 2 # else: # i = int((n + 1) / 2) # L = ysa[i - 1] i = int(n / 2) # criterio de R L = ysa[i - 1] g = self.idf.inequality.gini() # p_w = (np.mean(ys) / np.median(ys)) * (0.5 - L - g) p_w = 4 * (0.5 - L - g / 2) * (np.mean(ys) / np.median(ys)) return p_w