
logo Build Status Documentation Status Coverage Status License: MIT Python 3.8+ https://github.com/leliel12/diseno_sci_sfw

Apode is a package that contains a set of indicators that are applied in economic analysis. It contains measures of poverty, inequality, polarization, welfare and concentration.


You need Python 3.8 to run Apode.

Code Repository & Issues


Basic Install


$ pip install apode

Development Install

Clone this repo and install with pip

$ git clone https://github.com/ngrion/apode.git
$ cd pycf3
$ pip install -e .


Objects are created using:

>>> ad = ApodeData(DataFrame, income_column)

Where income_column is the name of the desired analysis column in the dataframe.

Methods that calculate indicators:

>>> ad.poverty(method,*args)
>>> ad.ineq(method,*args)
>>> ad.welfare(method,*args)
>>> ad.polarization(method,*args)
>>> ad.concentration(method,*args)

Graphical representations:

>>> ad.plot.hist()
>>> ad.plot.tip(**kwargs)
>>> ad.plot.lorenz(**kwargs)
>>> ad.plot.pen(**kwargs)

For examples on how to use apode, please refer to the Tutorial.


Thanks to the following people who have contributed to this project:


If you want to contact me you can reach me at ngrion@gmail.com. If you have issues please report them as a issue here.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

Indices and tables